
张晓帆 Xiaofan Zhang

大提琴手。早期毕业于星海音乐学院后留校任教4年。后来在美国就学并毕业于南卡音乐学院和辛辛纳提音乐学院,于2002年加入交响乐团。曾在Miami University of Oxford, MTSU, Belmont等院校任教。

杨若华 Clare Yang

中提琴手。出生于台北,早年来美,在印第安纳大学获得音乐学士及硕士学位,在纳城交响乐团演奏逾25年。曾在Tennessee Technological University, MTSU, Belmont和Lipscomb 等院校任教。

杨树争 Shu-Zheng Yang

副首席中提琴手。上海音乐学院中提琴演奏专业毕业后留校任教6年。来美后从师著名中提琴家,费城交响乐团首席Mr. Joseph de Pasquale, 获费城University of Arts硕士学位。自1989起任Nashville Symphony中提琴副首席。



The Musicians of the Nashville Symphony were furloughed on July 1, 2020, leaving all of the orchestra’s players without their jobs or a salary until the end of July 2021. These Musicians, who have trained their whole lives to become world-class artists, are continuing to serve the community by performing in safe circumstances despite not having support from their employer. Please consider supporting their work in our Nashville community by donating to their Financial Aid Fund, which will go directly to the Musicians and provide them with income in a time where it is greatly needed; you can do this at www.musiciansofthenashvillesymphony.org/donate. Thank you sincerely for your consideration, for helping us to keep the Musicians of the Nashville Symphony in Nashville, and for keeping the music alive in Music City.
