GNCA, in partnership with the Metro Nashville Police Department’s Office of Community Outreach and Partnerships, will host a Zoom meeting to provide information and answer questions on how to prevent, handle, and report anti-Asian crimes and activity. While we are organizing this event for Middle Tennessee’s Chinese community, all Asian communities in the region are welcome to attend.

Our speaker will be Officer Jeff Ha, the MNPD’s primary liaison with Nashville’s Asian and refugee communities. Officer Ha came to Nashville with his family in 1980 as a refugee; he is the MNPD’s first Vietnamese-Chinese American officer and has served there for 22 years.
DATE: Friday, April 9, 2021, 8:00 – 9:30pm
VENUE: Online via Zoom
If the direct link doesn’t work, you can use the meeting ID 923 5097 4115 and passcode 458949 to login from the Zoom site or app.