GNCA Duan Wu Picnic at Fairgrounds is canceled

Dear GNCA Friends and Families,

Due to the “mostly thunderstorm ” weather forecast for tomorrow (5/27 Sat), GNCA Duan Wu Picnic at the Fairgrounds is canceled.

Your Duan Wu ticket receipt can be swapped for China Lights official ticket- adult for adult, child for child. No additional charge.If you pay for your kids younger than 5 years old, you will be refunded $5 as they are free admission to China Lights.If you or your friends want to purchase additional China Lights tickets you can do so during the ticket swap. More details about China Lights can found on their website (

Your GNCA contact listed below will facilitate the ticket swap and refund.If you order at Chinatown, you can also swap the tickets there or contact to Peng Xu (

GNCA Duanwu contact lists
Yan Zhao (
Jiang Fan ( )
Tao You ( )
Michael Cheung (
Christine Lai (

It is a difficult decision to GNCA. We apologize for the cancellation and any inconvenience to you.
Any question, feel free to contact